By Nandini Muthukrishnan
So far away, there’s a place I know
Where tulips, daffodils and roses grow
There’s silence everywhere and peace too
The sky is a marvellous, wonderful blue.
The birds sing and chirp everyday,
In pretty farms the horses eat hay.
A beautiful, quaint house just for me,
In the centre of the land, for all to see.
Of course, there is a park and bakery
And a school where all children study.
Meadows expand everywhere- endlessly,
I enjoy being the queen, in royalty!
In my world, my dream one,
There are no adults, they’re done.
Children never grow; they live wisely
Study, play and simply live- effortlessly
My dream world’s so far from reality
Where violence rules over tranquility
The adults think that they know it all
The Russia- Ukraine war, they’ve had a fall!
I hope my world- it’ll come true
Though when, I have no clue
The peace everywhere, now lost
For this, humans pay the cost.